9.30-16.00 BST online course

Introduction to Systemic Ideas
in Adult Social Care
Our programme aims to equip practitioners to:
- Understand what we mean when we talk about taking a ‘systemic approach’ in a safeguarding context
- Understand how a systemic theory of change may influence how professionals offer interventions to families
- Think about power in relationships and within the organisation and consider how aspects of difference and diversity may influence relationships
- Learn how to formulate systemic hypotheses and then to use these as interventions to bring about change
- Understand the effect different kinds of questions have when we use them with families and learn how to ask circular questions as systemic interventions.
- Consider the importance of the genogram as a systemic tool and learn how to draw, annotate and use genograms for meetings, supervision and case discussion – and for therapeutic intervention.
Each day of the programme will combine a formal, didactic approach delivered via online video, live chat with tutors via message boards to support theory to practice application, as well as ‘live’ seminar sessions facilitated by a trainer within a Zoom classroom. Within these live sessions, the group will be encouraged to engage in whole group conversations and debates as well as smaller group activities via break out rooms.