Mark Huhnen
Social Worker, Family Therapist and Trainer
Mark trained as a Social Pedagogue in his native Germany before coming to the UK where his degree was considered a Social Work Qualification by the GSCC. He has worked as a social worker registered with Social Work England and he qualified as a systemic psychotherapist in 2015. He is due to complete his doctorate in systemic practice in 2023. Mark is currently undertraining a professional coaching qualification for the Institute for Leadership and Management.
Mark has worked as a consultant and family therapist in various children’s social care organisations and continues to offer clinical interventions with families to support social work care plans. He is an experienced lecturer and delivers various systemic training courses across the country for Collective Space and other providers of systemic training. For several years now he has provided leadership coaching and development for social work managers. He also offers clinical supervision for social workers and facilitates group supervision within Collective Space.
It has been a life changing experience. It will change the way I look at problems, make me more curious and learn more about the family and how they function. The training was really good and having the safe space to discuss was good. Mark was excellent – so authentic and human. Thank you Mark, all was well planned and delivered.
Foundation course, North West England Local Authority