Collective Space Shop2025-03-08T19:25:18+00:00

Collective Space Shop

Check out our tools and products to aid your approach within systemic social work

  • Having conversations which bring in the Social Graces is a skill which requires practise and confidence. "The Wheel of Discussion: the parent’s one" or “WOD”, also known as "Conversation Wheel", is designed to support social care practitioners in their work with parents and carers. The WOD contains 16 questions which invite curiosity about a parent’s experience and how they see themselves and their child. The tool can be brought into the sessions and used to prompt and aid rich conversations about identity.
  • Having conversations which bring in the Social Graces is a skill which requires practise and confidence. The "Wheel of Discussion: the kid’s one" or “WOD”, also known as "Conversation Wheel", is designed to support social care practitioners in their work with children and young people. The WOD contains 16 kid friendly questions which invite curiosity about a child’s experience and how they see themselves and their world. The tool can be brought into the sessions and used to prompt and aid rich, fun and funny conversations about identity.
  • This three-day course offers an introduction to systemic approaches in social care, emphasising practical skills like hypothesis formulation, circular questioning, and the use of genograms. It combines live seminars, group exercises, and online lectures to foster an understanding of power, diversity, and change theories. This program is ideal for practitioners seeking to enhance their interventions and relationship management within adult social care settings.
  • This three-day course offers an introduction to systemic approaches in social care, emphasising practical skills like hypothesis formulation, circular questioning, and the use of genograms. It combines live seminars, group exercises, and online lectures to foster an understanding of power, diversity, and change theories. This program is ideal for practitioners seeking to enhance their interventions and relationship management within adult social care settings.
  • This 500ml bottle will keep the busy social worker hydrated and reminded of the most commonly used genogram symbols. The bottle can be used as a point of reference to have in front of you when drawing out accurate genograms, preventing the need for online searching of the most commonly used signs and symbols. It is especially handy when out on visits and carrying out direct work with children, families and clients.
  • Genograms are a key tool and approach within systemic social work. The genogram is a dynamic pictorial representation of a family system that helps to map out who is in the family, how people get on with each other, key events in the family history and help us to understand family culture and family patterns across generations. They are incredibly powerful and versatile and support both our assessment and therapeutic work.
  • Having rich conversations about identity is a skill which requires practise and confidence. The Wheel of Discussion or “WOD” is designed to support social care practitioners in trying out different questions with colleagues so that the discipline can be brought into your work. The WOD contains 16 questions which invite curiousity about a person’s experience and which will have a particular focus when viewed through the different lenses offered by different Social Graces.
Step Up to Social Work

Amazing session- so informative, learnt lots which I know will be really useful for practice and placement

Step Up to Social Work
Lambeth Children’s Services

Outstanding training. Certainly the best I have attended at the council. The content will enhance my practice at a broad level, not just in the context of DV. It was a real pleasure and the trainer was a real inspiration

Lambeth Children’s Services
Carmarthenshire County Council

Absolutely wonderful. This will help to challenge families effectively and respectfully about how they can make changes in their lives in order to achieve better outcomes for themselves.

Carmarthenshire County Council

Just great. I came straight back into work the following day and used the learning directly.

Newcastle City Council

(The trainers are)… fab just the way they are. They are fun, interesting, informative, full of knowledge. I hope to be able to speak of systemic therapy with as much knowledge and clarity one day.

Newcastle City Council


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